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Ankündigung Worlds & Eurocup 2018


die Worlds 2018 und der Eurocup 2018 sollen vom Samstag, den 21., bis Samstag, den 28. Juli 2018, auf dem Gardasee vor Campione in Italien stattfinden. 

Website zum Veranstaltungsort: "www.campioneunivela.it

Weitere Informationen auf Englisch findet ihr nachfolgend:

  • Results are done with ZW by Univela
  • After race snack is arranged per day ; slize pizza, pasta etc each day something different (by Univla)
  • Sailingschedule is :
    • Monday
    • Tuesday
    • Wednesday
    • Thursday reserved day
    • Friday
    • Saturday
  • Practicerace at Sunday afternoon and then  Mo 3 Tu 3, We 3 Fr 3 and Sa 2 races
  • A listing of activities in the area will be send by Univela to SCIA to pass to NCA’s
  • First race each day is not before 1300 hours
  • Coachmeeting is each morning at 1100 uur hours
  • Measurement is in the rib parking area under the sportshotel (pass through system)
  • Parking is in the village at approx 300 meters from Univela for 9 euro pewr day (as the sign says)
  • On Univela ist is possible to have 8 to 9 campervans
  • Rooms in the Univela sporthotel are 35 euro per person including breakfast and parkingplace on the Univla accomodation
  • It is NOT possible to go on bike from where ever you sleep to Univela due to the tunnel where the exits are (in the tunnel)
  • Ribs can be moored at Univela, in a few month the have a new area ready for that.
  • It is possible to train in the week before the Worlds at Univela
  • Fueling Ribs can be done with a car (in village next like limome) or by boat at the other side of the lake (6 minutes driving), the is no fuel on Univela
  • Boatparking is on the gras area at Univela
  • Trailerparking is on the or next tot he Univela area
  • The Racearea is approx in front from  Univela location, maybe bit more North
  • Some Parents – volunteers only for helping launching and maybe tallysystem are welcome (to discuss with Univela in may)
  • There is a very wide launching ramp from 60 meters (10 boats….)
  • Dayprices will be given the next morning after a racing day (yesterday) on Univeal, It is Stil lto decide who gives them.
  • Wednesdayevening there is meal fort he sailors
  • Rib scan only be launched by the Crane on Univela
  • The kitchen restauratn is daily open till 2200 hours at Univela
  • The Bar is minimal open till 2300 hours at Univela
  • Univela looks into a DJ fort he wednesdayevening for music
  • Registrering is done by SCIA in combination with Univela
  • Measurement is done as usual
  • Rib drivers do not need a permit to drive on the lake on the Univela area (coaches and parents)
  • Above Limone ribdrivers may NOT DRIVE AT ALL
  • All rooms at Univela are 4 person bedrooms with 2 standard beds and a bunkbed
  • Tally systeem ID card is used for alcohol 
    Wearing the Tally is mandatory on Univela area. This will be cadded tot he DPI listing in the SI
  • Camperprice per night on the univela Area is 38 euro for Camper including 2 persons. Extra persons are 5 euro per night
    This includes electricity
  • RIB prakingfee the week before the Worlds is 5 euro per night per Rib to pay to Univela
  • Parking for a car (if there is room) is 6 euro per day at Univela area
  • Everybody can use the restaurant There will possible be a limited card in Univela restaurant (request management)
  • Extra bins will be available on the boatparking at Univela
  • Campingplaces on the oposit side of the lake are minimum 5 or 6, driving with rib 6 minutes
  • Sailors can use free WIFI on Univela, but the strenght of the signal is not unlimited due to the location of Campione
  • There are webcams on Univela
  • Security cameras are several on Univela and in use

Best Campingplace in order and distance on the westside of the lake (above and under Univela)

Camping garda  www.camping-limone.com
Terrascamping best groot
Heeft ook stacaravans te huur evsn 4 tot en met 6 personen
Horstman hotels
0039 365954550
Vraag naar walter
8 minuten met auto van campione
Nordelijk van limone richting riva

Camping nanzel
Terrascamping niet te groot
Enkele plaatsen tot en met 6 meter lengte voor wagens en caravans en tenten
0039 365954155
8 minuten van campione mrt auto
Noordelijk van limone richting riva

Camping leva
Terreincamping plaatsen tussen de olijfranken en druiven
Heeft ook 4 persoons cottages te huur
Grotere plaatsen
0039 365 643 165
Zuidelijk van limone richtingsalo
15 tot 20 minuten rijden - veel tunnels en smalle weg

Campingplaces on the opposite side of the lake are :

  • Camping PrimaVera tegenover Campione (met rib overvaren)
  • Camping Campagnola  schuin tegenover Campione (met rib oversteken)
  • Camping Aquacamp  tegenover Campione (met rib oversteken)
  • Camping en apartments Bella Vista schuin tegenover campione (met rib oversteken)
  • Camping Claudia schuin tegenover Campione (met rib oversteken)
  • Camping Campagnola  schuin tegenover Campione (met rib oversteken)
  • Camping Panorama  schuin tegenover Campione (met rib oversteken)"

Alle Infos sind unverbindlich und ohne Gewähr.

Die offiziellen Informationen folgen auf der Website der Worlds bzw. SCIA.